As a tip for new Robot users, make sure you eat everything that you carry on with you and take full advantage of his active item. Granted, it takes a bit of time to get used to playing as him, but once you do he is easily one of the best characters in Nuclear Throne. Robot Robot – Nuclear ThroneĪ lot of people don’t like using Robot, but for me it has led to some of the most enjoyable runs I’ve ever had in the game. So, whilst I’d certainly recommend Crystal if you’re starting out, don’t get too comfortable with her and get used to bad habits, it could harm you long-term. Getting used to defending with her shield made me lose the ability to dodge bullets with other characters. But I soon realised that using Crystal was actually hindering my progress with other characters. When I first started playing Nuclear Throne, I always got far with Crystal due to her defensive prowess and extra HP. When you factor in the Throne Butt, which augments the shield and allows for teleportation, she easily becomes one of the best Nuclear Throne characters. She has good HP and her shield is good at keeping you safe in lieu of having a melee weapon. Crystal Crystal – Nucelar ThroneĬrystal is a great character for beginners to the game. It is rare that you’ll get an OP Fish run, though, unfortunately. But even with that in mind, Fish is one of the best Nuclear Throne characters for beginners, largely due to the relative ease of use. Perhaps Fish is only in this list for nostalgic reasons, as I played Nuclear Throne for a long time with Fish before even trying any other characters. In all honesty, though, I usually just use the roll to get around faster. With enough practice you can also use the roll to evade enemy attacks, too. Fish is a great character with a strong passive ability that allows him to get more ammo.